About Watermark
I will always make watermark on my work and my photo before posting them online. this is about protecting my works. I take this advice by listening to Lisa Clough Lachri Youtube channel. She mentioned many reasons for adding watermark on our own works. I am serious on my works therefore I will add watermark on it.
Arrogant people love to exercise power by using excuse, to selectively remove works they didnt like and override the same rule while feel good. Today one of my work was being remove from a group because I have my watermark on it. I was accused of self promoted. This reason irritated me because lots of works there were covered by watermark. Yet nothing happened on them. Therefore, to them there is no self-promote. To me, somehow I am self-promoting.
What she state is : Here is your work again. Where is the sign to plug you out? I locate a watermark on your work. This point is enough. Yes everyone else are doing watermark in this pool. They are not the one I concern. I really dont want your work to be next to ours! thus your watermark is not allowed.
Here this successfully remind me the word discrimination. Discrimination is : where cant be touch and you know it when its there.
How discrimination looks like ? I was more then once being politely accused about missing medium I use, but I already clearly state details in description. People love accusing me missing info when they choose to overlook those description.;
or, few years ago, several younger artist were skeptical on me - that this Chinese girl will, in future steal their works and sell in far east market. Lets monitor her things - no friends, no chats, no concerns, no connections, none of anythings, remain invisible - just muse and follow. I would be in doubt - these persons really assumed that a thief who stole art things from facebook page, will post it again on facebook? These people are so extra ordinary. I myself could draw it better than many others and why couldn't it be someone else stealing my works ? Sometime, people assumed that I will steal someone's photo for my drawing. Anyway they are so eager in seeking a flaw and awaiting a Chinese thief. Otherwise questioning me being a copy machine while the top cp artist call it Realism. or, all and every artist adding watermark on photo and works for identity, but while its on me, watermark itself become a negative accusation (self-promote).
No one watch my articles. I still write as I hate keeping muse. I am very sick of those ugly mindset and judgement. I dont like defining people by the pigment on their skin.
these all reality looks ugly in an art world. none of it related to skill at all.